Fitbit Surge Review from a Fitbit Lover

The Fitbit Surge has been out for a while, I know. Google Fitbit Surge Review and mostly what comes up are reviews from tech sites. I thought I’d give my own review, as a diehard Fitbit lover!

Photo from

Photo from

I’ve been wearing a Fitbit of some kind for years now. I started with the Ultra, moved on to the One, and bit the bullet last year and bought a Surge. I ended up getting a Best Buy gift card from work and since I normally don’t shop there, I figured I would just buy a Surge. I had been wanting one anyway.

I should note up front that I do not wear my Surge every day. I wear it for workouts only. I am just so used to my One, and I think that the One is actually more accurate for the step counts. I’m also afraid of breaking the Surge screen or something stupid like that. I work at 7-11, so there are lots of things that I could possibly bang into. I just don’t like taking the risk I guess.

The big selling point of the Surge is that it has GPS in addition to the heart rate monitor. I already own a Garmin and a Polar heart rate monitor, but thought it would be pretty handy to have them both in one gadget. It definitely is! Since I’ve had it I really haven’t worn my Garmin much. It is an old style, big and bulky. While the Surge is also on the large side, it is considerably smaller than my old Garmin.

Obviously what most people are buying the Surge for is the GPS. I love tracking my runs and being able to just get out and go and not really have to plan a route ahead of time to make sure I get the right distance. I will say though that sometimes the GPS is off. I don’t know if there is just too much interference sometimes with traffic or weather but I have been out and knew that my time and distance weren’t matching up, only to get home and find that parts of my run were missing (mostly at the beginning of my run. I do wait to turn it on until I get outside, so I don’t know why this happens! I would say that 95% of the time I don’t experience GPS problems. I have also worn my Garmin and Surge together and they were both pretty close, like within .01 mile.

The heart rate monitor is another great feature. I haven’t really tested it out to see if it is getting exact numbers, but I figure it is close enough. I don’t need to be super technical about my workouts. I don’t even really look at my watch when I’m running! I like to look at the data after the fact and see how I’m doing. It tells me whether I’m in the fat burning, cardio, or peak zones. I use it to see how I’m doing with my runs. Am I working too hard? Or not hard enough? I can just look and see afterwards and try to adjust next time. The one pictured below was uphill for the first half, so I was working pretty hard.

Run in Fitbit Dashboard

You can also track workouts so they show up labeled in the Fitbit dashboard. There are options for run, hike, weights, elliptical, spinning, and yoga. You just pick the one you want, start the timer, and go. That makes it really easy to see the different workouts in your dashboard to analyze and compare.

Fitbit Activities in Dashboard

While I love Fitbit, there are some things about the Surge I don’t like. I feel like the step count is less accurate than the One. I think being on the wrist just doesn’t track the same. I have also had issues with the battery. Sometimes I leave it around and after only using for one or two runs it doesn’t have any charge at all. I usually leave it plugged in and charging now so that doesn’t happen to me. That is also one of the reasons I don’t wear it all day. I wish there were a medium size. The small would have been too small for me, but the large is almost too big. The price was pretty steep too! But I didn’t end up paying full price.

I think thats about it! Like I said, I love Fitbit. The products are great and the customer service is pretty great too. They have replaced 2 Ones for me and they certainly didn’t have to. If you are looking for an alternative to Garmin or other GPS sport watch, or just looking to try out a fitness tracker I say go with Fitbit. They’ve been doing it longer than most and they do it pretty well.

Weigh-in and weekly workouts

Last week 125.8 pounds, 26.5% body fat

This week 126.6 pounds, 25.5% body fat

I haven’t been weighing every day, but I did check in on Wednesday, and I was under 125 then. Whatever. That makes it sound like I’m mad, but I’m not! It is just going to do whatever it wants. And then there’s the part about workouts, too.

I’m not real excited to post about my workouts, because of my knee. I haven’t even worked out since Wednesday. I don’t really know what to do, so I’m just going to take it easy until my knee doesn’t feel weird anymore. It still does.

Sunday I did 8 miles in 1 hour and 14 minutes, 9:15 pace. That is when my knee started bugging me. The run was kind of annoying too. I don’t know why, just in a bad mood I guess.

Monday I did 4 miles on the elliptical in 30 minutes. I did weights too, deadlifts, hammer curls, shoulder presses, leg curls, leg presses, and calf raises.

Tuesday I ran 5.32 miles, 52 minutes/9:44 pace. This was in Fort Union and basically uphill for the first half and then back down. It was probably not a good idea to follow through with this run, but I did it anyway. And my knee was still a problem.

Wednesday I did the elliptical again for 4 miles and 30 minutes, then weights. I did squats, kb rows, quad curls, and back extensions.

So that’s it. Totals – ran 13.32 miles, elliptical 8 miles, workout time 4 hours, 16 minutes. Not that great. I’m just trying not to let myself get too down about it and just go with it. I can’t change it, and honestly its better to get sidelined now than while doing marathon training, IF I get that far.

I’ve still been trying to eat well and only when I’m hungry. I am especially trying to be careful to just eat enough, since I’m not working out as much. We’ll see what happens this week. I may try to go for a short run this morning and see how it goes. I don’t know. At the very least, if I’m not running and lifting this week I’m going to try and get into some yoga. My body could use it anyway.

Food Budget Week 1

I’ve decided to start doing the Food Budget again! I did this a couple of years ago, aiming to keep under $125 a week for our family of 3. I’m going to comb the sales flyers for the stores I like to shop at each week, attempt meal planning, and try to just buy what we need. I’ll recap what we bought each week.

This past week we shopped at Costco, Harmon’s, and Sprouts. I’m adding the 1st – 9th together for the first week of the year. We spent $208.12 and went shopping 3 times in those 9 days. This week is high, but hopefully we’ll get it a little lower next week. Here’s what we bought:

Half of our grocery haul Week 1


  • Acorn squash $2.46
  • Organic apples $3.00
  • Avocados $3.75
  • Organic bananas $2.63
  • Bell peppers $3.96
  • Blueberries $3.00
  • Brussels sprouts $3.99
  • Cilantro $1.19
  • Clementines $5.99
  • Cucumbers $1.00
  • Garlic $1.38
  • Grapefruit $1.50
  • Green onions $.79
  • Kiwis $2.04
  • Baby romaine $2.50
  • Onions $1.77
  • Oranges $3.98
  • Organic russets $2.50
  • Power greens $3.99
  • Serrano pepper $.09
  • Spaghetti squash $4.48
  • Grape tomatoes $5.00


  • Organic butter $7.99
  • Sliced havarti $7.99
  • Sliced swiss $8.99
  • 3 quarts of kefir $5.00
  • Cottage cheese $7.50
  • Fage $6.49
  • 1 1/2 dozen eggs $3.99
  • Sliced ham $6.59
  • 1/2 gallon milk $2.99
  • Baking powder $1.79
  • Yeast $6.99
  • Bread $3.69
  • Organic chicken stock $11.99
  • V8, tart cherry juice, and apple juice $12.49
  • Bulk cumin $3.00
  • Buckwheat flour $4.79
  • Amaranth $8.99
  • Carob nuggets $4.40
  • Fish sauce $3.99
  • Flax seed $1.34
  • Grapefruit juice $4.49
  • Millet $3.39
  • Soy sauce $2.29
  • Teff $6.99
  • Organic diced tomatoes $6.49
  • Corn tortillas $2.49

I went 372 days without drinking alcohol!

So in late 2014 I decided I was going to abstain from alcohol in 2015. All year, not one drop. And I did it! I was getting to the point where I was just drinking too much. I wasn’t enjoying my life for so many reasons. I was fat, out of shape, unhappy, not really doing anything and had no goals, no direction. I had no drive and was just slogging through each day. If I was going to change anything, it had to start with alcohol. I knew I wanted to get in shape and lose weight, and more importantly start caring about life again. None of that would happen while I kept drinking.

It was so important to me that I actually change and not just keep saying that I wanted to, but not do anything different. I was stuck in that cycle of saying, wanting, wishing, but not ever having the courage to make it happen. But I knew that I had to follow through this time. I knew that if I didn’t, I would just continue the cycle and stay in that bad place. I would never change. I knew that I had to do it, so I just decided that it would happen – that I would do it no matter what. There was just no question about it, I was quitting drinking.

The most important part was that I wanted it, badly. I had spent too much time wishing for things to be different. I had to make it happen. And I knew that if I just stopped drinking alcohol then everything would fall into place and things would start to change. And I was right! I made the plan to work out more often than not. 6 days a week. Weights and running. Simple enough and very effective. You can see just how effective in my weight loss story. Somehow I found the patience and will to just stick with it. It didn’t take long for me to just forget about drinking. I was no longer hungover, feeling like total garbage. It took a while for the sadness to go away. But the more I took care of myself, the better I felt. It took the first half of the year for me to start feeling really good. It just solidified my decision and resolve.

I started thinking about drinking again as the year got closer to an end. I couldn’t decide if I would just keep going without alcohol or start to incorporate it into my life again. There are so many reasons not to! But in the end I decided it was more important to try for some kind of balance in my life with alcohol. Plenty of people drink too much, all the time. Plenty of people drink too much occasionally. Then there are the people who drink sometimes, don’t have major issues with it, and just live life without any extra judgement. That is who I want to be, and who I know that I can be. If I learned anything in 2015, it is that I can do anything that I want to do. I can’t rely on excuses anymore. I either want something, or I don’t. I will either do, or not. I don’t have to hold onto the old stories that I used to tell myself about who I used to be. I can finally forgive myself and move on.

I don’t know what else to say. I’m so happy that I decided to quit drinking for a year and reclaim my life. I am so proud of myself!! I didn’t realize how much I was missing out on. I don’t ever want to let that happen again. I hope that I won’t.

Anyway, all that to say that I drank a beer today. A 10.2% 16 oz. beer that a customer at work gave me. Because he wanted to be nice. So I accepted the gesture and drank it. It gave me a great buzz and the world didn’t end. It was all very confusing and liberating LOL I appreciated the gift I gave myself even more because of it. And I will continue to believe in myself.

Thats that, I suppose.

Venting about my knee

My knee has been acting up on the last couple of runs. I felt it on my 8 miler Sunday and then again yesterday. Its pissing me off!! So here’s whats randomly going through my mind:

  • I worked too hard last Thursday when I ‘raced’ 5 miles.
  • I’ve been running too much overall, even though my body felt really good up until now.
  • I will probably never be able to run a marathon 😦
  • I have 4 races in the next 3 months that I’m signed up for, will I be able to do those?!
  • I can take some time off of running, but I don’t want to, and I don’t know how much time I’d need.
  • I really should get in to see a doctor.
  • I really should get a trainer so I can avoid injury, but have NO idea where to start looking. And is that a guarantee I won’t get injured? I don’t think so.
  • Maybe I should take low weeks every 4 weeks instead of 6.
  • I don’t even know if my knee is ‘hurt’. I feel it when I run, but it isn’t painful. I just always back off because I’m taking it as a warning sign that something isn’t right.
  • I really should get in to see a doctor.

Ugh. Well I guess from here I will take some time off from running and just do elliptical instead. I didn’t feel my knee until a few miles into my run though, so maybe low miles are okay? Maybe I’m just running too many days a week. This happened before when I was only running 4 days a week though.

It makes me so mad. I am doing SO good!! All I want to do is run and be healthy, and I’ll seriously be pissed if I can’t end up running the marathon this year. I think I will just give up for good if it comes to that.

Okay, vent over. I don’t feel any better though!!

My Weight Loss in 2015

I’ve been waiting to do this post for a year. I didn’t take many body photos along the way this year because I wanted to be able to see a difference. I can’t believe I’m going to share them publicly on the internet, but I am. I have been going on all year about losing weight and eating ice cream, and I want people to see that it really IS possible to lose weight and keep it off without restricting foods, going into a deep calorie deficit, and going insane. With just plain old moderation in eating and regular exercise.

To recap:

My mission for this year was to not drink alcohol and to take control of my health by eating better and exercising consistently. I decided I would lift weights and try to eat close to maintenance to try to do some body recomposition. First let me say that I could not have done any of what I did this year without giving up alcohol. I wouldn’t have had the energy or drive to continue working out long-term if I kept it in the mix. Second, I also made the decision to just work out per my schedule, no matter what. I did that, except for in May when I seemed to be sick and fatigued the entire month. I’m not sure what was happening there. But I just let my body rest and heal.

I started small, just lifting weights 3-4 times a week for about 30 minutes each time. I used Nia Shanks’ Lift Like a Girl routine for a while, just basic stuff but trying to lift a little heavier whenever I could. I also did most of her Train to be Awesome program. I started running again, 3 days a week, anywhere from 2-5 miles. I did this for a few months and then started to work in more running. Now I am running 6 days a week, about 27 miles a week, and still trying to lift heavy-ish 2-3 days a week.

As far as eating, I just ate what I wanted. I tried to be reasonable and aim for balanced meals. I also tried to be hungry for my meals, not starving, but hungry for a while. I never cut out sugar or wheat or anything else. No need! Not giving up anything I loved made it easy. That just leads to deprivation and guilt when you finally cave and eat all of the things that you aren’t ‘supposed’ to be eating. Anyway the food part was really that simple. I ate ice cream almost every day for many months. Oh, and I never counted calories.

Fast forward to today and I made so much progress in 2015! I ended up losing just under 26 pounds, 11.5% body fat (according to my scale which I know isn’t completely accurate), and 17.25 inches!! That averages out to be just 2.15 pounds and about 1.5 inches lost per month. That would have driven me crazy in the past to only lose 2 pounds every month, but I knew it was going to be the only way for me to finally make lasting change and my best hope to keep the weight off. So far it’s working. I could have really gone nuts and tried to lose more weight and do it faster, but I know that would have backfired. I didn’t try to eat too little because I knew I wouldn’t be able to sustain my efforts in working out. Working out was what was going to change how my body looked. Besides, if you are trying to re-comp, your muscles need fuel to grow!

I thought I’d give a monthly breakdown of my weigh-ins this year to give a better idea how I moderately lost weight. The first number is pounds, the second is body fat percentage.

January 1 – 152.2, 37.5%

February 20 – 148.2, 33.5%

March 1 – 147.6, 34.5%

May 1  – 142.6, 32%

May 29 – 142.2, 33%

July 5 – 139.6, 32%

August 2 – 138.4, 31%

August 30 – 136.4, 31%

September 27 – 134.8, 29%

November 1 – 131, 29%

November 30 – 126.8, 26.5%

January 1, 2016 – 126.4, 26%

I also took measurements monthly. That was where the progress was the most exciting for me!

January 17, 2015

  • Bicep – 12.25
  • Chest – 39
  • Waist – 31
  • Belly – 36.25
  • Hips – 40
  • Thigh – 24.75
  • Calf – 13.75

I lost anywhere from .5 to 1.75 inches each month.

January 1, 2016

  • Bicep – 11
  • Chest – 36
  • Waist – 28
  • Belly – 32.25
  • Hips – 36.75
  • Thigh – 22.5
  • Calf – 13.25

If my math is correct, I lost 17.25 inches this year!! My goal was to change my body recomposition and I’d say that was a huge success.

If I could give anyone some advice on how to lose weight I’d say this:

Find a way to move your body that you like, that you will do consistently long-term. If you can, lift weights to give you the most ‘bang for your buck’. What worked for me is lifting and running. Use activity to make you feel good! Just stick with it.

Eat what you like, but try to focus on getting regular, balanced meals. Try not to eat too much.

Don’t use exercise to punish yourself for eating. Don’t burn off calories for eating too much. If you ate too much, just use it as a learning experience and move on.

Don’t label food as good or bad. Food is just food, fuel for our bodies whether it is cookies or salad. Don’t attach morality to food, it has no moral value, just nutritional. Save yourself the guilt trip!! Just try to eat in a way that makes you feel good.

Don’t deprive yourself of things that you love. If you love chocolate or ice cream (ME!), eat it, just in appropriate amounts.

So that’s that! I feel like I made huge strides and changed a lot in 2015. I reached my goals of consistent exercise and weight loss. I never really set a specific number goal and don’t think I will. I’m just happy to have lost the weight and inches and my new goal will be to keep them gone.

And here’s something I never thought I’d do, but I (mostly) feel comfortable enough now to do it. Post before and now pictures. This was from June 2014, I pretty much looked the same in early 2015.

150 pounds

June 2014 around 150 pounds

26 pounds lost

January 2016, 126 pounds

I’m still carrying some fat, but not that much. And as you can see it is almost all in my belly, butt, and thighs. My body isn’t perfect but I love my body now! I actually have some muscle definition! If I never lose any more weight I’ll be fine with that, because my body can do cool stuff, like run and lift heavy things. I know I’m strong and that feeling is priceless. I imagine though that I will be able to lose 10 more pounds or so, if I keep lifting and running, which I intend to do.

So there you go. My year of change and weight loss. I hope that I will maintain it and not regain it. It wasn’t necessarily hard work but it took a long time and I don’t want it back!

Weigh-in and Workouts

The weight and food:

Last week 126.4 pounds, 26% body fat

This week 125.8 pounds, 26.5% body fat

Down .6 pounds, up .5% body fat. The body fat does that, but last month I actually saw 25.5% a lot, so I’m thinking it will go down soon. I’ve decided to once again stop weighing in daily, so I won’t know what is happening as much. I’m okay with that. Things are probably going to be pretty slow in the weight loss area and I think it will be more annoying to weigh daily anymore. I may even go a month without weighing again like I did last April.

This week was two extremes. The first half was just way too much food, well treats, really. I was just eating a lot of empty calories. And not feeling great either! I guess I was testing the waters. I don’t like doing that anymore. So hopefully I’m over it. The second half was much better. I started eating better, eating less, having a lot less treats. I’m feeling a lot better, mostly mentally. I feel more in control, and happier about my choices. This week I’m going to be more strict about my mealtimes, only doing breakfast, lunch, and dinner and no snacking in between. I’m also going to stop having dessert every night and go for alternate nights. I’ll have fruit on the other nights. That should help to start moving the weight loss along again.

My workouts this week:

Sunday was a very cold 8.51 miles. The temp was about 10 when I left with a feels like of 1 or zero. So cold! I had bought some gear to keep me warmer the day before though so I was set. The trail was packed down with snow and ice so I had to be careful. I felt pretty good up until mile 7 when I started to tire a bit. I did it in 1 hour and 20 minutes for a 9:20 pace.

Monday was 3.02 miles, 28 minutes, 9:14 pace. Easy run followed by weights. I did deadlifts, hammer curls, quad curls, kb rows, and calf raises. I guess I’m trying to up my strength game a little. I got back up to 80# in plates on my deadlifts!

Tuesday was 5.04 miles, 48 minutes, 9:38 pace. Still snowy and icy on the parkway trail, and an orange air day. I tried not to work too hard.

Wednesday I tried out the treadmill, which totally sucked. I did a slow 2 miles and then said eff this, and did 1 more elliptical mile. I just didn’t feel good on the treadmill! I actually felt kind of dizzy, and I was going slowish, so I don’t know what was up. I hate the treadmill though. I also did weights. DB romanian deadlifts, shoulder presses, and skater squats.

Thursday I did another 5.26 miles. Since it was the last run of the year I got it in my head to just push it and go as fast as I could. I finished in 44 minutes for an 8:18 pace! That’s pretty damn fast for me. I was struggling the entire time though, so probably too fast. But I just pushed through even though it was damn hard. I wished it wasn’t that hard, but I just have to face that I’m not that fast LOL

Friday I was feeling incredibly sore from the last two days! I could barely do the floor touches in my warmup. I got in 3.08 miles, 29 minutes, 9:24 pace. I really just took it easy since the day before was so hard. After that I did weights. Squats, DB rows, calf raises, and quad curls.

Saturday I did nothing!

Totals – 27.96 miles, 6 hours 20 minutes working out

You can see I’m still mostly just doing lower body. I have been trying out more upper body stuff, like the hammer curls, and I’m less afraid of the mountain climbers in my running warmup. I tried pushups the other day but those are still out, because of my bicep actually. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I am going to have it checked out sometime soon. I added one more mile this week and my schedule will stay the same for two more weeks. Still working my way up in miles, slowly but surely.


Cold weather running gear

This post contains affiliate links, which means if you follow a link to Amazon and purchase that product, I will make a small commission.

I plan on sticking to my outdoor runs this winter up until we start to get red air days. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah, and this is a problem we have every year. When it gets too cold here in the valley, the emissions, pollution, aka particulate matter just get trapped by the warmer air above us. When that happens, we just have to wait it out, until it gets warmer or a storm comes through and pushes all of the junk in the air somewhere else. Sounds lovely right? We all hate it. Anyway, so far this year we haven’t had any red days, so I’m still out running. Even on Sunday when it was 10 degrees with a feels like 2.

I knew it was going to be damn cold, so I went to the running store to pick up some things to help me not freeze. I got an Icebreaker Apex Chute, and some nicer/warmer gloves (also Icebreaker brand) than I’ve been using. I tried on a balaclava but it just seemed like too much and I’m glad I didn’t get it. The neck warmer was plenty. I was able to pull it up over my ears and basically just leave my face uncovered. It helped a lot!

Here’s everything else I wore on Sunday.

These warm tights from Title Nine have been amazing. They are a bit long on me (but everything is) but they keep me pretty warm. I use them for anything under 30 degrees.

I have lots of layers to wear but mostly I just use a cold weather pullover like this with another tech top underneath. I wear a long sleeve for 20s, short sleeve for 30s.


Drymax Socks. I started wearing these after my feet got soaked from some slush and they are amazing. They feel thick and bulky, but I don’t worry about my feet getting wet or cold. These socks rock 😉

My Icebreaker beanie has also been a lifesaver. I don’t wear it unless it is colder than 30 and sometimes it even keeps me too warm! Another one I can’t live without is my Smartwool underwear. So far I’ve only been able to afford one pair, but they make all the difference and its money well spent.

So there you go. Some ideas of what to wear when it gets really freaking cold outside but you still want to run 😀


Goals for 2016

My number one goal for 2016 is to keep the weight off that I’ve lost so far. It isn’t ALL about my weight, but I am not going to put back on weight that took me all year to get off!! So my other goals need to be centered around that. The whole point of losing weight the way I did was that I was going to be doing the things that I like and want to do, which would result in the body I get/have. So in theory, if I just keep doing what I want to do (lifting, running, eating what I want) then my body will not blow up like a balloon with weight regain. I want to be off of the yo-yo roller coaster for good!!

So right now I’m sitting at 125-127 pounds, 25-26% body fat.* Even if I never lost another pound, I would probably be happy where I am. But I think that I could lose another 5 without too much pain and suffering. Maybe even another 10?

To do that, I would probably need to tighten up my eating a bit. That is something I want to do anyway. I’ve been pretty fast and loose with treats, which is fine, but it is kind of losing its appeal. I’m feeling some treat overload I guess LOL So I do want to lower my treat consumption and replace it with more nutritious food.

I think I want to go back to something like the real food rules. If I have treats, I want to make them myself. Since I don’t have tons of free time lately, that will automatically mean less treats LOL I know I will feel better if I’m eating more real food and more nutritious food, so it can’t hurt to try. I’m not sure how I’m going to do this just yet, but it seems like the easiest thing would be to say I’m going to make all of my treats/junk myself, and to buy more whole foods.

Equally important to me is that I run the Portland Marathon in October!! If not more important…I don’t know 😉 Anyway, I know what to do for that one. I need to keep on lifting weights and keep on running. I’ve been tempted more and more lately to skimp on weights, and I need to knock that off! If weights/strength is on the schedule I just need to make it happen, no matter what. I also think I need to do more short strength sessions after runs, like the mini routines I used to do all of the time. I really want to stay injury free, and I think the best ways to do that are to stay strong, lose a few more pounds, and stick to my running schedule I’ve got mapped out.**

I also have a few non-fitness/health related goals.

  • Spin, knit, and sew more.
  • Try to learn Spanish (I’ve made this goal several times but never followed through.)
  • Read more
  • Save money, now that my car is paid off!!

So I guess that’s it. That’s probably enough. I’m really going to make an effort to do them all instead of just saying I want to and then not following through. I’m not worried about the running and weight stuff, but the other stuff tends to fall by the wayside pretty easily.

So, what are your goals for 2016?

*My lean body mass is only down like 1.5 pounds. Yay for not losing muscle!!

**I’ve been using a schedule I made up for myself that was more than a year long LOL I’m still doing it with success so I better keep on it!


Last week 126.4 pounds, 26% body fat

This week 127.4 pounds, 26% body fat

I’m up a pound, but I’ve been weighing at 125 most of the week, so I’m up 2 pounds really. I’ve been eating higher calories all week. Yesterday I ate lots of stuff, mostly sweets. Don’t really feel good about it, but I don’t want to beat myself up about it either. All I can do is treat myself better today. I think I’m going to go through the cupboards and get rid of all of the stuff that I don’t truly love to eat, so I’m not just mindlessly grabbing stuff all day long. There is so much in the way of treats in the house, I kind of feel like I have to have some of all of it. But I’m having more than some of all of it! Its almost like I’m doing last chance eating. Even though I don’t plan on changing that much come the new year. Hopefully I’ll cut it out this week.

This week’s workouts:

Sunday I did a long run of 8 miles. It was cold and snowy but not horrible. I actually ran a pretty good pace too, 9:03! The whole thing took me 1:13.

Monday was a 3 mile run and weights. My run took 27 minutes, 9:03 pace. For weights all I had time to do was deadlifts. I think I did 7 sets total, with the 35# plates. It felt good.

Tuesday I did 4.17 miles in 38 minutes/9:05 pace. This was a wet one, it had snowed but it was on the warm side so there was a lot of slush and water happening. My socks got soaked! It was a good run though.

Wednesday should have been a run and weights but I skipped the weights. I was trying to get stuff done ahead of time for Christmas and I didn’t want to feel too pressed for time. I did 3 miles, 27 minutes/8:52 pace.

Thurdsay was 5.41 miles, 51 minutes/9:24 pace. I just tried for easy, but it wasn’t that easy. It was pretty cold and really windy.

Friday I did 3.12 miles, 32 minutes/10:22 pace. We got a bunch of snow Christmas Eve and Morning so I was running in a few inches of fresh fluff. It definitely took me more time. It felt so awesome! I was just happy to be alive and out running, even if it was in the cold and snow. It is always beautiful to be out in the fresh snow too. I did weights afterward – squats, shoulder presses, back extensions, and calf raises. I ended up working out for about an hour and a half that day!

Saturday was a rest day! 😀

Totals – 26.73 miles, total workout time 4 hours 58 minutes.

This week I am definitely going to do better with eating. Like I said, I don’t want to beat myself up, but I don’t like the binge type eating that I’m doing. And I don’t really know why I’m doing it?! Like I want to sabotage my efforts. No. I don’t. Anyway. Just going to do better and eat more sensibly.

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