A New Year

Happy New Year! I know lots of people think resolutions are stupid and pointless, but when I really decide I’m going to do something, I follow through. My main resolution is to not drink alcohol this year. And I know I’m going to follow through! I had a last blast on NYE and so I felt like total garbage yesterday. I don’t want to feel like that ever again! I think this long break will be just what I need.

I’m also going to try and lose weight, story of my life I guess. I am just going to get back to running and lifting, and the plan is to train for 2 half marathons this year. Both will take 3 months to train for. Maybe I will tack one more on there, we’ll see. I had many thoughts of going on a juice fast again just to lose the weight quickly, but that hasn’t worked long term, and I want to do something different. I’ve decided that this year I am just going to try intuitive eating. No counting calories, no other plan, just going to try and eat what I like, when I’m hungry and not too much. We’ll see where it gets me. So I guess I’m publicly committing to not count any calories or do any crazy things like juice fast this year. I’m just going to try to chill out and be and eat normal 😆 Even if I only lost 1/2 a pound a week, I could still be down 26 pounds in a year. That is probably going to be more realistic and sustainable, since it probably won’t involve huge deficits. I think that makes me feel restricted, even if I am eating things I like. There probably is something to eating to your activity level, so you don’t end up burning out and feeling worn down.  Duh!

Anyway I hope to blog more about my journey and be a bit more interesting, helpful, whatever. Share more recipes and knitting and whatever else 🙂

The Other Half 2013

I ran this race on the 20th and it was awesome!  This was my second time doing it, and my first time doing a race by myself!  I hit a PR too 😀  I wasn’t planning for anything but to finish it without any walking at all, but when I started out I decided I just wanted to go for it and try for a good time.  The first half felt pretty easy, whenever I was going downhill I tried to be at least under 10:00.  I must have been doing pretty good because my time at 6 miles was 54 minutes!  When it got to around mile 8 it starts to get harder, there are some big hills that you can see a long way out, so a lot of it was kind of gearing up to get up the hills.  I just didn’t stop and tried to push it on the hills and using the downhill to regain my breathing while still going faster than my normal pace.  Basically my whole strategy was just to not stop at all and just push it 😆   That’s what I did!  The last few miles I was just trying to pass as many people as I could.  I did line up around the 2:30 pacer, so there was a lot of room to pass for me finishing in 2:04:12.  My best half marathon race time before this was 2:19:41!!  There weren’t very many runners this year, just over 1100, and I finished 375th overall, 38th in my class, and 180th in my gender overall.

I think that the Boot Camp classes have really done something for my conditioning?!  Who knows.  I am just still amazed and so happy about how I did 😀  It is a beautiful and fun race, and you get beer afterward, that is always a plus!

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